Friesland Campina Head Quarter in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam . Dutch dairy cooperative, Friesland Campina has its roots back to 1897. Now it has expanded its operations in many countries, trying to get people to realize the importance of milk. In Vietnam, which is located in downtown Ho Chi Minh City, which seeks to further expand its base. With this perspective in mind, the seat of Friesland Campina in Vietnam has been designed in a much progressive.
“Milk House” The office of the state of the art focuses on a novel theme based on the company logo that has a bit of milk. Visitors welcomes outstanding greens and employees under which the office is three floors. The resort itself is huge, about 6,500 square meters and incorporates the principles of Feng Shui which gives a quiet facade.
The loop construction is divided into a side entrance and looks like a drop of milk or a horseshoe-wave pattern from the sky. This interesting piece of architecture allows plenty of natural light into the building that you can save on electricity bills.The roof is to be awaiting a functional green patch vegetation that absorbs rainwater, insulates against noise and heat and reduces heat island effect in general (a phenomenon that is urban witnesses higher temperatures than the surrounding countryside).
Friesland Campina Head Quarter, The inclined living green roof is a usable open-air space.
Ramp building also acts as a gateway that connects to a café on the roof. Milk from the offices of the Chamber is seeking LEED certification from the Green Building Council of the United States.
Given the amount of work that has helped design and construction of the headquarters and a green building, there is no doubt that the House of milk offices receive coveted certification. Like all green buildings, which seeks to bring together human settlements with the natural environment so that she lives with her rather than against it.
Images Credit: worldbuildingsdirectory
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