This is the first Barack Obama’s home residence. a simple house and tend to slums. Currently, the house was still well maintained. with typical design houses in Indonesia at that time. home owners deliberately let the house was like when Barack Obama stayed. no significant renovation. let’s see obama nuanced home village!
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The house in “Menteng Dalam, Indonesia” Ever Occupied by Barack Obama Pictures
The house in Menteng Dalam Ever Occupied by Barack Obama
The house in Menteng Dalam Ever Occupied by Barack Obama
The house in Menteng Dalam Ever Occupied by Barack Obama-Bedroom
The house in Menteng Dalam Ever Occupied by Barack Obama-Fence
The house in Menteng Dalam Ever Occupied by Barack Obama-garden
The house in Menteng Dalam Ever Occupied by Barack Obama-gate
The house in Menteng Dalam Ever Occupied by Barack Obama-Living room
The house in Menteng Dalam Ever Occupied by Barack Obama-master room
The house in Menteng Dalam Ever Occupied by Barack Obama-view
Gallery of The house in “Menteng Dalam, Indonesia” Ever Occupied by Barack Obama
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