A dirty bathroom in a beautiful house is like a beautiful woman with dirty shoes. A dirty bathroom is not only healthy but also very annoying when you have unexpected guests who need to use the facilities. Keep cleaning the bathroom will not only help keep the area of hygiene, but do not help escape the washing and cleaning session when dirt accumulates.
Here is a list of tips for the bathroom is always clean –
1) Regardless of the size of your bathroom, large or small, things of value only in the bathroom that are required daily.
2) Dispose of empty bottles of shampoo, cream, toothpaste and old age bins without being attached to them think they can be used one day.
3) Make it a point to clean the toilet after each use. If no water in the system, then throw a bucket of water in the toilet.
4) Keep a spray bottle with disinfectant in the sink with some rags and a roll of toilet paper. If you want to be economical, solution of vinegar and water is also a good cleaning. With this solution, wipe the toilet seat under the seat and also around the cup. Rub the inside of a toilet weekly.
5) Spray the cleaning solution in the sink too, and a quick wipe with a cloth that does not allow dirt to accumulate.
6) Do not leave soap scum that accumulates in the shower area. After a bath, wash the tub with warm water and titles. After soap residue is rinsed gently wipe the floor and walls with a soft cloth. In addition, bar soap is the main responsible for the lather. Liquid soap and shower gel, soap scum least because of growing.
7) If there are leaves of valves, flushing sewers or system error, correct it immediately.
8.) If there is a window of the room, open every day in the morning with the sun and fresh air can travel in.
9) Do not forget to place a bin in your bathroom and use it to remove the used tampons, condoms, silk, fabrics, etc. Do not allow trash to accumulate and discharge the garbage every day.
10) Installing a bathroom fan or air freshener to put a well in the bathroom.
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