Coco Chanel is an icon in the history of fashion, if you have reason to suppose that his house seemed in very good taste of his creations. Chanel Paris apartment is located above the sewing room, now used for photo shoots and interviews with the press. A spiral staircase leads to the apartment without bedroom (Chanel stayed at the Ritz Hotel in a suite at night) and a luxurious interior design full of details and decorations.
Technically Chanel Paris apartment was his office to get their creations. The apartment has no kitchen or bedroom, there was only one reception room and drawing. However, the apartment looks exactly like the house where we imagine a designer could live.
There are many personal things at home that make it unique and full of history. There are sculptures and paintings of luck Coco Chanel – wheat and animals. Cameliasshe wore also present in Chinese lacquered screens used to put on the door of each room.
Mirrors are also a large part of the house as the decoration of its richly decorated frames add luxury decorated room. There are books, glassware, statues everywhere, and lights for the rich. Based on tables “are decorated with human figures holding lamps, while the additional reception room with a sofa and chairs have several small tables. Take a look at Coco Chanel in Paris luxury apartment in the gallery below.
Coco Chanel’s Luxurious Paris Apartment Pictures
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Gallery of Coco Chanel’s Luxurious Paris Apartment
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