Coco Chanel is an icon in the history of fashion, if you have reason to suppose that his house seemed in very good taste of his creations. Chanel Paris apartment is located above the sewing room, now used for photo shoots and interviews with the press. A spiral staircase leads to the apartment without bedroom (Chanel stayed at the Ritz Hotel in a suite at night) and a luxurious interior design full of details and decorations. Technically Chanel Paris …
The inspiration for this apartment building in Bellevue Hill, part of the eastern suburbs of Sydney, Australia is actually from Germany, where the Einstein Tower was built in the 1920s. It was designed to house a solar telescope and is still in operation today. I belive …
Here’s a selection of 16 moats and, implicitly, castles gathered from all over the world architecture. Each one of them represents a piece of history and they represent popular attractions for both the locals and the tourist in the area. Castles have always has a mysterious …
The modern Bedroom design environment is an important element to any Apartment, especially for small apartment bedroom design ideas, should be designed in a special configuration in order to organize effective in the hallways. The first thing to consider is to keep in mind that the house …
Penthouse is a luxury residence located on the top floor of the building. But what distinguishes one from another attic? The architects call the tallest structure that extends beyond the walls of the main building, an attic. It does not extend through the roof surface. Size and design of an attic and other apartments are certainly different.The penthouses are larger, sometimes with the second level. Penthouse are common in large cities. These are usually located in the …
Butterfly Loft Apartment Designed by Tigg Coll Architects. London has been transformed into a contemporary loft for entertainment. This was probably the best decision of his life. The three-story house has been completely transformed by the architects, with the original staircase, floors, interior walls and removed. The …