Black and White color combination has often had quite bad reputation especially in interior decorating. But if you see the bedroom designs and living room designs below you would agree that black along with little white color combination around it makes the bedroom designs, living room designs or for that matter bathroom designs very chic and stylish along with adding the lavish factor. Of course it should be carefully used in right doses. In modern interior design it also comes hand by hand with white in order to generate cool contrasts. Black could also go well with other light colors like yellow or blue but for the classic lavish and bold look there could be nothing better than white.
Of course as mentioned above also that the black and white color would make your bedroom designs stand out only if it is used in the right proportions, looking at the below first image can prove this to you. Only the wall behind the bed in the bedroom is painted jet black and then the entire flooring is done in black tiles. This use of the black makes the entire bedroom stand out. This is the use of the black, and the white color has been nicely gelled into by making use of the small piece bedroom furniture like the side table having white plywood over it and a small bedroom cupboard or dressing table in full white adding to the smart black and white look of the entire bedroom.
Even in the second image the use of black and white has been done very smartly. The use of the black wall along with the white panels above the bed is awesome. It is simple and the only black and white element in the entire bedroom but it still creates a vibrant and very smart effect along with the other colors like lavender and blue. Bedroom designs can be altered in a lot of way by adding new bedroom furniture and all but the best effect of a lavish or luxurious bedroom comes with the right selection of colors in the room which totally depends on your taste.
Black And White Bedroom Designs And Living Room Designs Pictures
Black And White Bedroom Designs And Room Interiors
Black And White Bedroom Designs And Room Interiors beautiful-black-white-interior
Black And White Bedroom Designs And Room Interiors black-white-interior-decor
Lavish And Stylish Black And White Bedroom Designs
Gallery of Black And White Bedroom Designs And Living Room Designs
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