Tired of the same old leaves and floral designs in bad taste? Maybe it’s time to make some changes. This time a more sober and elegant design, it could be the key. Here’s an idea that might help:Collection Black Procida. With the unique influence of Neapolitan designs, this collection offers much more than some luxury models. It is a versatile collection has it all: sleek black leaves patterned pillows and timeless black and white combinations.
Black Procida offers a wide range of products. There is the top sheet, pillow cases, the sham, duvet covers, duvet and bottom sheet of light, in other words, everything you need to completely change the mood in your room. For each item that is free to choose the size and color you want. This means that you can form your own set of bedding. You can create a matched set with the same colors and patterns, creating a look in contrast to the choice of a variety of prints and drawings. Combine the colors of the way you want, you can not go wrong.
The price varies depending on the item. The upper leaves can be purchased for $ 225, the cost of pillowcases $ 70 each, cover is $ 85, while the quilt is $ 425 and light quilt is $ 500. The price varies slightly depending on the color and the impression that you choose.
Procida Black and Burgundy bedding Pictures
Procida Black bed
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