Tehran Tower Building in Iran. Like most urban centers are generally unplanned and development is carried out based on factors such as economic growth and requirements, it is common to cities in urban sprawl. This method of construction tends to swallow up large tracts of land …
Recycled Pallet Pavilion is a tasteful addition to urban landscapes. Recycled structures offer people affordable accommodation, while helping to clean up the environment. In fact, these structures seem to be gaining popularity as more people aware of the need for recycling and its benefits. When placed in the hands …
Friesland Campina Head Quarter in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam . Dutch dairy cooperative, Friesland Campina has its roots back to 1897. Now it has expanded its operations in many countries, trying to get people to realize the importance of milk. In Vietnam, which is located …
My personal conviction is that things in a Bedroom should be relaxing and pleasant,making you feel comfortable and not very strong color. That’s because it is supposed to sleep in a bedroom and I really believe that peace of mind during sleep may be influenced by …
The double beds are a source of inspiration for love with a double bed. As you cansee the image will probably be your inspiration in choosing a bed. Consider your living space if you want a double bed, because if the narrow room space result in …
Many things to consider when choosing bedroom curtains. The selection of bedroom curtains not only says a lot about your sense of aesthetics, but also help lead to the calming and relaxing effects of his personality, because the room is a place where you want the …
Merritt Engineering prepared specifications and provide construction supervision for the restoration of facades, roof replacement, waterproofing, replacement of windows and ornamental. Due to the proximity of the headquarters of the World Trade Center during the attacks of 9 / 11, Merritt Engineering has also provided emergency …
Design Concept In some respects, the terms “modern” and “contemporary” has a meaning synonymous in the world of interior design. Both types of rooms decorated in a simple and orderly slightest. The terms “Contemporary” and “modern” are also similar, as they suggest a trendy element. With a modern and …