Modern Kindergarten Sighartstein by kadawittfeld architekture, the concept of the “kindergarten-in-motion” includes the surrounding area of unspoilt nature. The design of the building is developed from two horizontal layers that surround a central hall and courtyard. The oversized “grass blades” communicate the building’s unique identity and provides an orientation marker for the kindergarten. The fat roofed two-story cubic building optimally distributes the functions of a kindergarten. On the ground foor, one fnds the space for the kindergarten groups – with direct access to the garden. The multi-functional space unfolds itself in the building interior. Various shades of green take up the grass theme to define the individual areas.To the east are additional rooms such as the personnel area, administration, quiet room and mess hall.
The psychological workings of the color green play an important role: Green is a color that calms and harmonizes. .Green enhances qualities such as helpfulness, endurance, tolerance, and contentedness. In color therapy, green is viewed as a neutral healing color that balances without causing bodily pain or counter-reactions. It creates a space for gathering energy and promotes regeneration. Green conveys the notion of freshness and youth, but also immaturity.
Modern Kindergarten Sighartstein Pictures
Architectural Education Building Kindergarten, Modern Kindergarten Sighartstein by kadawittfeldarchitektur
educational building design Kindergarten, Modern Kindergarten Sighartstein by kadawittfeldarchitektur
Glass Window Kindergarten, Modern Kindergarten Sighartstein by kadawittfeldarchitektur
interior design Kindergarten, Modern Kindergarten Sighartstein by kadawittfeldarchitektur
playground area design Kindergarten, Modern Kindergarten Sighartstein by kadawittfeldarchitektur
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